Tag Archives: peace

A Farmer’s Veterans Day Poem

Veterans Day

history’s blood shed
brings us all to this moment
to choose a new dream

enemy revealed
as a man much more in need
of brotherly love

hardest row to hoe
is any row in a field
sewn only with weeds



This poem is from my recently begun, new notebook, having submitted worthy and well-worked poetry from the other filled and falling apart notebooks in manuscript form. This poem is what is a series of linked “american” haiku or micropoetry.

If you like this poem check out my other Selected New Poems on my blog or consider the eBook or paperback purchase of my book, span (Rhizome Publishing 2011, 2012) which is a collection of Human Ecology* poems from 2000-2010.

*Human ecology is the subdiscipline of ecology that focuses on the human niche. Broadly speaking, it is a study of the relationship between humans and their natural, social, and built environments: anthropogenic biomes called anthromes within which are habitats connected by road networks to create what has been called technoecosystems.  Human Ecology has a wide territory and manifesting in geography, sociology, psychology, anthropology, zoology, and natural ecology. It is my hope that my poetics can be seen to have contributed to this spectrum by adding literature, biography and ontology to this list.

Have I been a victim of Feedburner malfunction? I llost over a twelve hundred subscribers overnight. Please re-subscribe to my blog if you are no longer subscribed and share what you love of my work with others.  I am hoping to regrow / regain my network of subscribers quickly.

A new Poem of the Week is about making miracles

the miracle is to walk on the green earth

In the midst of so many minds like flies these days
swarming around the stuff of death or things passed
or fearfully yet to unfold,

I aim to be a mind attracted…[…More]


The title of this poem is taken from a line in a quote by Thich Nhat Hahn who said, “The miracle is not to walk on water. The miracle is to walk on the green earth dwelling deeply in the present moment and feeling truly alive.”  This poem is from my notebook The Nameless Way Woven With Crooked Genius many of which I hope to include in my next book, Deepening the Map.


If you like this poem, please let me know, share it with others and check out more samples of my new poetry.  Span, my most recent collection of poetry in the Human Ecology vein is published by Rhizome Publishing.  It is currently available from Rhizome, Amazon or Barnes & Noble as an eBook for download to read on your computer, phone, eReader or other device.  It will be available in print sometime this month.

Subscribe to my blog for updates on it’s publication, subsequent publications, articles and links to my other work and works . . . there is also a Span Facebook page and you can follow me on Twitter as well.

Thank You, Friend

Wishing You the Joys of Many Warm and Heartfelt Holidays in This Season of Global Celebration of Light, Hope, Family and Oneness. 

Hello!  I would like to humbly thank you for following my blog.  I am honored to find that you are finding inspiration and beauty in my poetry and inspirational writing.  Your subscription to this blog inspires me to move more in this direction in my life and is an affirmation of many of my intentions.

Here is to a greater sense of Oneness amongst all of Humanity and an increase in global Peace, Abundance and Well-Being.  May we all move toward a more mindful and greater expression of our Higher Selves and expand into our dreams with Joy and excitement in the continuing cycle of seasons before us.

Again thank you for following and sharing my work and message.   May our relationship serve to mutually increase our success, fulfillment and sense of meaning and sacred purpose toward our life goals!

David A. Martin

i no longer wish
when i see a shooting star,
i just say thank you

Two Small Poems for the Week

journey as art

worm scribbles beneath
the bark of an old dead log
journey is an art

manifesting nesting

before the birds of the heart can nestle,
one must be still enough
for them to land