Tag Archives: david martin

New praise for the poetry in Deepening the Map!

Blues poet and performer Tony Moffeit, winner of the prestigious Jack Kerouac Award and author of Poetry is Dangerous, the Poet is an Outlaw (Floating Island Press, 1995) recently read and reviewed Deepening the Map and has some very beautiful words about it. Tony was a big inspiration to me during my seminal years of writing, reading, performing and hosting open mic poetry readings at cafe’s and book shops in the 90’s and early part of the new millennia.

“David Anthony Martin is a voice of the spirit, a voice of the land. He has the rare quality of deepening the life experience through his poems. His poems are earth songs. His poems are Zen anecdotes. His poems are transcendent pictures. One is moved by the power of his language. Martin captures the silence behind language, the secrets behind the profound, the mystery behind nature. He combines a nature mysticism with a marvelous storytelling. To read his poems is to take a rare journey into the heart of America. His poems are the transmission of life experiences into journeys that you take with him. The journeys that are mesmerizing and magnificent.”


~ Tony Moffeit, winner of the prestigious Jack Kerouac Award and the Thomas Hornsby Ferril Poetry Prize, author of Pueblo Blues (Cherry Valley), Luminous Animal (Cherry Valley), Neon Peppers (Cherry Valley), Poetry is Dangerous, the Poet is an Outlaw (Floating Island Press, 1995) and Tony Moffeit: Greatest Hits (Pudding House,2004).

A New Collection of Poems
by David A. Martin

Now available on Amazon.com, at local southern Colorado businesses,
and select independent bookshops

Cover Photo: "the origami bird is ever in flight" by David A. Martin, 2014

Cover Photo: “the origami bird is ever in flight” by David A. Martin, 2014


“Thoreau, Cid Corman, Lorine Niedecker, Whalen & Snyder, Sam Hamill
and now David Martin, a wilderness walker returning as the missing lynx
in the lineage of nature based poetry heartbeating it’s way into our gorges & forests”

~Mike Parker, author of Don’t Fall Off The Mountain, Wallflower Sutra
and Walking on Water in a Razorblade Breeze.

“Deepening the Map is a collection that eloquently takes the reader
from mountain peaks to the depths of canyons and the limitlessness of open fields,
but ultimately awakens our humanity. This is a collection of work
that will leave beautiful sketches in the mind
while etching compassion in the heart of the reader.”

~Marie Loerzel
, author of Rock the Kasbah: A Memoir of Misadventure
Deepening the map

In his second collection of poems, David Martin uses the mirror of nature and the lens of attention to reveal the depths of life. The poems illuminate the beauty of the world and reflect an abiding affection for family, nature, and language itself. Martin’s personality shines in each phrase and image, dancing between ecstatic joy & monastic reverence.

Deepening the Map reveals a thread of contemporary contemplation and a continuing exploration of the interior landscapes of life and love, the feelings, dreams and fears, of growing up and growing together.

Buy or read more at Amazon.com


Deepening the Map available in paperback

Deepening the Map available in paperback

In his second collection of poetry, David Anthony Martin uses the mirror of nature and the lens of experience to reveal the depths of the experience of life. His poetry illuminates the beauty of the world and reflects an abiding affection for family, nature, and language itself. Martin’s personality shines in every phrase and image, and his poetry dances between ecstatic joy and monastic reverence. In telling his stories he reveals a thread of contemporary contemplation and a continuing exploration of the interior landscapes of life and love, feelings and fears, of growing up and growing together.

New Book !

David Anthony Martin’s new collection
of poetry, deepening the map,
is currently available as an eBook
from Amazon KDP and soon to be
available in a beautiful paperback edition.


Cover Photo: "the origami bird is ever in flight" by David A. Martin, 2014

Cover Photo: “the origami bird is ever in flight” by David A. Martin, 2014














Deepening the Map shows a reverence for the natural world which verges on sacred relationship, a relationship which inspires the poets sense of connection and meaning. Martin’s work is increasingly crafted to allow space for the reader’s participation. His language is visceral, you can feel work pleasantly in the mouth creating a syntax capable of riding the natural rhythms of the breath. Where he can, he favors line breaks that intentionally serve to open up the lines to multiple levels of connection and interpretation.


To Purchase deepening the map eBook, click below or go to Amazon.com


Cover Photo: "the origami bird is ever in flight" by David A. Martin, 2014

deepening the map

New Poem of the Week: Presence

There are encounters in the wild when beauty and grace hit with the power and immediacy of lightning, sacred moments when spirit reveals itself to us and moves through us with such impact that it becomes a part of us, a part of our energy and moves through the breath, coloring our speech, giving shape to our story, our language.










Stepped out onto the back deck  this morning and froze. A  big, thick four
point buck walking past  the fire pit below me. He turned his head briefly,
listening momentarily. Sniffed the air, but I was upwind of him. I watched
as he demolished a sapling aspen as he raked it repeatedly with his antlers.
. . . [MORE]


This prose poem came from an occurrence yesterday, a sudden and close-up encounter with the wild. Beautiful and powerful, so close and intimate, like a lightening bolt in it’s instant. I am adding this to my collection of prose poems for now. It is not a usual form I work with, but it has it’s place, and one day it will have it’s place in a manuscript amongst its other wild kin.

I have a manuscript, Deepening the Map being considered for publication, another manuscript, Owl Light nearly ready to submit. I am also making marked headway on my novel Lost Dog and frequently contributing to my novel jam and very excited to have dreamed an epic dream which i am excited to write into an amazing novel or series called searth. More on that later.

If you like this poem, consider reading a few of my new poems on my blog and checking out my book Span (Rhizome Publishing 2011, 2012,) Rhizome Publishing has gone out of business, and although my book is now out of print, I do have a few copies left at home, contact me to purchase them via my blogsite using PayPal or by check or money order $14.00 includes shipping and handling. The cover art by Mathias Valdez of Last Leaf Printing takes the book as object” concept to a lovely level.  Span also makes a great, inexpensive gift for the book or nature lover on your list.


Poem of the Week: unfolding morning ritual



Taking the dog out

sitting first thing each day
a half-full handmade cup
an old school chair, rearranged


This poem is part of my current notebook which may be working its way towards being called The Trick To Tying Balloons.

I have a manuscript, Deepening the Map being considered for publication, another manuscript, Owl Light nearly ready to submit. I am also making marked headway on my novel Lost Dog and frequently contributing to my novel jam and very excited to have dreamed an epic dream which i am excited to write into an amazing novel or series called searth. More on that later.

If you like this poem, consider reading a few of my new poems on my blog and checking out my book Span (Rhizome Publishing 2011, 2012,) Rhizome Publishing has gone out of business, and although my book is now out of print, I do have a few copies left at home, contact me to purchase them via my blogsite using PayPal or by check or money order $14.00 includes shipping and handling.

Publishing Fair

I have been invited to be on a panel of local authors at the Publishing Book Fair today at the Rawlings Library Branch from 1-4.

Publishing Book Fair
Pueblo City-County Library
Rawlings Library Branch
July 27, 2013
Ryals Room on 4th Floor
1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m.

Panel members will be fielding your questions about publishing. There will be readings from authors and they will have information and books available. I am looking forward to sharing my experience and enthusiasm about writing and publishing and learning a few things from other local authors about the interrelated work and skills involved in getting writing published.


New Poem: The Company of Bears & Beauty



I do not know how the brown bear, wet from the creek
opened the door to dance in the drivers seat
but he emptied the sack of seeds that keep me awake
. . .  [More]

~ David Anthony Martin
copyright 2013


This poem is part of my current notebook which may be working its way towards being called The Trick To Tying Balloons.

I have a manuscript, Deepening the Map being considered for publication, another manuscript, Owl Light nearly ready to submit. I am also making marked headway on my novel Lost Dog and frequently contributing to my novel jam and very excited to have dreamed an epic dream which i am excited to write into an amazing novel or series called searth. More on that later.

If you like this poem, consider reading a few of my new poems on my blog and checking out my book Span (Rhizome Publishing 2011, 2012,) Rhizome Publishing has gone out of business, and although my book is now out of print, I do have a few copies left at home, contact me to purchase them via my blogsite using PayPal or by check or money order $14.00 includes shipping and handling.

The cover art by Mathias Valdez of Last Leaf Printing takes the book as object” concept to a lovely level.  Span also makes a great, inexpensive gift for the book or nature lover on your list.


New Poem of the Week: To tell you that . . .

In the moment just after my Beloved  left for work, I noticed a miracle in the arms of a tree and this poem vibrated through my heart and hummed in my breath until my fingertips could touch these keys.


to tell you that . . . 

The heart, is a bird-nest in an apple tree
made of simple things found commonly
fragile and light, but nestled . . .


~ David Anthony Martin
copyright 2013


This poem is part of my current notebook which may be working its way towards being called The Trick To Tying Balloons.

I have a manuscript, Deepening the Map being considered for publication, another manuscript, Owl Light nearly ready to submit. I am also making marked headway on my novel Lost Dog and frequently contributing to my novel jam and very excited to have dreamed an epic dream which i am excited to write into an amazing novel or series called searth. More on that later.

If you like this poem, consider reading a few of my new poems on my blog and checking out my book Span (Rhizome Publishing 2011, 2012,) Rhizome Publishing has gone out of business, and although my book is now out of print, I do have a few copies left at home, contact me to purchase them via my blogsite using PayPal or by check or money order $14.00 includes shipping and handling.

The cover art by Mathias Valdez of Last Leaf Printing takes the book as object” concept to a lovely level.  Span also makes a great, inexpensive gift for the book or nature lover on your list.


Dove True Beauty Sketches

Dove True Beauty Sketches

How we see ourselves is very important, our judgment and inner language can truly be a lens through which we see ourselves and others. We are beautiful and others see this beauty.