Tag Archives: Pueblo

New Book !

David Anthony Martin’s new collection
of poetry, deepening the map,
is currently available as an eBook
from Amazon KDP and soon to be
available in a beautiful paperback edition.


Cover Photo: "the origami bird is ever in flight" by David A. Martin, 2014

Cover Photo: “the origami bird is ever in flight” by David A. Martin, 2014














Deepening the Map shows a reverence for the natural world which verges on sacred relationship, a relationship which inspires the poets sense of connection and meaning. Martin’s work is increasingly crafted to allow space for the reader’s participation. His language is visceral, you can feel work pleasantly in the mouth creating a syntax capable of riding the natural rhythms of the breath. Where he can, he favors line breaks that intentionally serve to open up the lines to multiple levels of connection and interpretation.


To Purchase deepening the map eBook, click below or go to Amazon.com


Cover Photo: "the origami bird is ever in flight" by David A. Martin, 2014

deepening the map

Poem of the Week: unfolding morning ritual



Taking the dog out

sitting first thing each day
a half-full handmade cup
an old school chair, rearranged


This poem is part of my current notebook which may be working its way towards being called The Trick To Tying Balloons.

I have a manuscript, Deepening the Map being considered for publication, another manuscript, Owl Light nearly ready to submit. I am also making marked headway on my novel Lost Dog and frequently contributing to my novel jam and very excited to have dreamed an epic dream which i am excited to write into an amazing novel or series called searth. More on that later.

If you like this poem, consider reading a few of my new poems on my blog and checking out my book Span (Rhizome Publishing 2011, 2012,) Rhizome Publishing has gone out of business, and although my book is now out of print, I do have a few copies left at home, contact me to purchase them via my blogsite using PayPal or by check or money order $14.00 includes shipping and handling.

New Poem: The Company of Bears & Beauty



I do not know how the brown bear, wet from the creek
opened the door to dance in the drivers seat
but he emptied the sack of seeds that keep me awake
. . .  [More]

~ David Anthony Martin
copyright 2013


This poem is part of my current notebook which may be working its way towards being called The Trick To Tying Balloons.

I have a manuscript, Deepening the Map being considered for publication, another manuscript, Owl Light nearly ready to submit. I am also making marked headway on my novel Lost Dog and frequently contributing to my novel jam and very excited to have dreamed an epic dream which i am excited to write into an amazing novel or series called searth. More on that later.

If you like this poem, consider reading a few of my new poems on my blog and checking out my book Span (Rhizome Publishing 2011, 2012,) Rhizome Publishing has gone out of business, and although my book is now out of print, I do have a few copies left at home, contact me to purchase them via my blogsite using PayPal or by check or money order $14.00 includes shipping and handling.

The cover art by Mathias Valdez of Last Leaf Printing takes the book as object” concept to a lovely level.  Span also makes a great, inexpensive gift for the book or nature lover on your list.


New Poem of the Week, Vineyard


“I took the colors of silence and painted a moon on a moving curtain.”
~Bruce Owens

this line, resonant, repeating, it’s
playing in my head like a scratch-
blessed record of a cyclic moment,
a well developed nocturne vintage,
a rainy day breaths’ slow pleasure
of warm afternoons giving way to
cool nights and coastal morning fog
having had time to breathe before served
golden time here is the decanter of light
no dead wood but the axe handles

excerpt copyright 2013 David A. Martin


I have written several poems this year in what I am starting to call my “On A Line” seriese as they are written on a line from another poet, or a quote or even a photograph. This poem, vineyard, was spawned after reading a line from a poetic comment by the poet Bruce Owens, author of Rushes in the Eddies (and a forthcoming book to be announced) in reference to the following quote by Rimbaud.

“I turned silences and nights into words.
What was unutterable I wrote down.
I made the whirling world stand still.”
~Arthur Rimbaud

I find the interaction I have between poets inspirational.  Social networking has given us this new framework of disembodied communities within which we can dip into or dwell to any degree.  Poets, writers and other artists have an amazing opportunity to connect, give feedback, inspire and urge each other onward to ward greater manifestation of our art or our message.   Consensual acts of linguistic play can develop into so much more, adding depth and quality to our relationships to others and to the art we bring to the worlds eyes and ears.

If you like this poem, consider reading a few of my new poems on my blog and checking out my book Span (Rhizome Publishing 2011, 2012) which can be purchased as an eBook and read on most devices or as a beautiful paperback to be held in your hands and taken with you on your day.  The cover art by Mathias Valdez of Last Leaf Printing takes the book as object” concept to a lovely level.  Span also makes a great, inexpensive gift for the book or nature lover on your list.

To buy Span now with Paypal, Click on image below.

Span | A Collection of Poems by David A. Martin
Paperback, 144 pages.
$9.95 + tax and shipping.

An Evening with Colorado Poet David Martin

a little bird told me . . .

a little bird told me . . .

Innisfree Bookshop & Coffeehouse will be hosting me on January 31st.


Looking forward to a reading, It’s been awhile.


This independent bookstore is one of only three exclusively-poetry bookstores in america! creates and fosters a daily, living space for poetry lovers of all ages. The bookstore was named in honor of William Butler Yeats poem” The Isle of Innisfree” where the poet imagined himself living as Thoreau did at Walden Pond.

If you can’t make it or know others in the Denver / Boulder area who might be interested please share this event with them.


Join the Event on Facebook for more info and other ways to connect!

New Review: Poet James E. M. Smith on Span

“Historically, the natural world that we take for granted and that surrounds us closer than we think has been a gratifying subject for poets ever since the third century. The ancient Greeks wrote their `idylls’ – praising the virtues of simple rural life.Most notably the Transcendentalists – Thoreau, Muir, Emerson and Whitman among them realised the negative drain of politics and religion on a community and instead focused their attentions on the unity of man and nature, believing a simple life lived in natural surroundings achieving self-sufficiency was the key. Their poetry went beyond the painting of pretty pictures, it wasn’t all about seasons and birdsong and expressing romantic sentiments – indeed it touched on the transcendental.

In Span, David A. Martin is continuing the exploration, holding back the grasses of uncharted territory, showing us the interconnectedness – the ever changing complex relationship of man and nature as we move through this new century. What he does is quite miraculous. Here we have a writer who can broach this vulnerability, at times even confronting our occupation/destruction of it as the human race but do so in a way that is deft and urgent without being sentimental or sanctimonious.

To pigeonhole Martin as simply a nature poet isn’t going to encompass what is on offer here in this collection.
Early on in `the apple tree’ we learn there were many things that he had hitherto kept to himself. This is the perfect start – each successive poem serves as a revelation or insight of some sort.
Evidently Martin is equally at home writing acorn tight three line poems as well as the sprawling streams of forty-liners.

New Poem of the Week celebrates the sleeping form of love

in your still, sleeping form

in your still, sleeping form
there is a daylight tucked away
folded into the starry night
of your curves
perhaps saved for a rainy day

. . . [Read More]


This poem is from my notebook The Nameless Way Woven With Crooked Genius many of which I hope to include in my next book, Deepening the Map.


If you like this poem, please let me know, share it with others and check out more samples of my new poetry.  Span, my most recent collection of poetry in the Human Ecology vein is published by Rhizome Publishing.  It is currently available from Rhizome, Amazon or Barnes & Noble as an eBook or paperback.

To buy Span now with Paypal, Click on image below.

Span | A Collection of Poems by David A. Martin
Paperback, 144 pages.
$9.95 + tax and shipping.
 Subscribe to my blog for updates on it’s publication, subsequent publications, articles and links to my other work and works . . . there is also a Span Facebook page and you can follow me on Twitter as well.

New Poem of the Week looks deep into the heart . . .

h  ear  t

when one looks deeply
into the core of the heart
[ . . . more . . . ]



If you like this poem, please let me know, share it with others and check out more samples of my new poetry.  Span, my most recent collection of poetry in the Human Ecology vein is published by Rhizome Publishing.  It is currently available from Rhizome, Amazon or Barnes & Noble as an eBook for download to read on your computer, phone, eReader or other device.  It will be available in print sometime this month.

Subscribe to my blog for updates on it’s publication, subsequent publications, articles and links to my other work and works . . . there is also a Span Facebook page and you can follow me on Twitter as well.


A full moon was following me home
when you called to say
the cicadas whirring in the summer heat


This poem is from my notebook The Nameless Way Woven With Crooked Genius many of which I hope to include in my next book, Deepening the Map.


If you like this poem, please let me know, share it with others and check out more samples of my new poetry.  Span, my most recent collection of poetry in the Human Ecology vein is published by Rhizome Publishing.  It is currently available from Rhizome, Amazon or Barnes & Noble as an eBook for download to read on your computer, phone, eReader or other device.  It will be available in print sometime this month.

Subscribe to my blog for updates on it’s publication, subsequent publications, articles and links to my other work and works . . . there is also a Span Facebook page and you can follow me on Twitter as well.

A new Poem of the Week: One Billion Heartbeats

One Billion Heartbeats

I read about a prevalent theory in biology
which posits that regardless of the species,
the approximate lifespan of any  heart
is one billion heartbeats

The faster the heartbeats per minute,
the shorter the lifespan

[Click here to read the whole Poem]


This poem is from my notebook The Nameless Way Woven With Crooked Genius many of which I hope to include in my next book, Deepening the Map.

If you like this poem, please let me know, share it with others and check out more samples of my new poetry.  Span, my most recent collection of poetry in the Human Ecology vein is published by Rhizome Publishing.  It is currently available from Rhizome, Amazon or Barnes & Noble as an eBook for download to read on your computer, phone, eReader or other device.  It will be available in print sometime this month.

Subscribe to my blog for updates on it’s publication, subsequent publications, articles and links to my other work and works . . . there is also a Span Facebook page and you can follow me on Twitter as well.