Tag Archives: success

New Empowered Path Article: How to celebrate NOT getting a job.

That’s right, failing to clinch the deal on a new position,
promotion or job can be a very empowering experience
that moves you closer to your goals and dreams.  

So, when you look at it that way, it’s time to celebrate!

Lemon Yellow Cup Cake

Why celebrate? Celebrating this event will reinforce it as a positive step in your life, a refining moment and it’s something to look forward to in future job application attempts or other times which most people think of as “lost battles” or “failures”, but there is no failure unless you decide to see it that way.

To read the article and learn what this challenging Life situation can mean to you and how it can improve your Life and why you might want to consider making it a moment to celebrate click on the link below.

How to Celebrate NOT Getting the Job.


photo credit: <a href=”http://www.flickr.com/photos/windysydney/3495242464/”>windy_sydney</a&gt; via <a href=”http://photopin.com”>photopin</a&gt; <a href=”http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/2.0/”>cc</a&gt;

New Article about life transitions and personal transformation.

Transition as the path of transformation.  Are things around you changing, or are you changing? This article addresses these  questions with an inspired way to look at the difficult changes and life transitions we encounter in life and how to understand them and benefit from them.

“We can not solve our problems with the same
level of thinking that created them”

~Albert Einstein

We all go through transition.  Change is not only part of life, it might even be the very definition of life.  We have all heard that all change is stressful, that even “good change” is hard to go through at times, but it doesn’t have to be crippling.

 Change is a powerful force in our lives;
it creates the new, it is the means by which our dreams arrive.

To read the full article click HERE.


“Change your thoughts, change your life.”
~Wayne Dyer

David Anthony Martin: Empowered Path Coach.
Your Ally in Achieving Your Goals, navigating inspired Life Transformation and Living Your Dream!

Contact me to set up a FREE initial conversation about life coaching.
I’d love to get to know you and see how we can partner together toward inspired action
and success on your authentic path forward into the life of your dreams.


Thank You, Friend

Wishing You the Joys of Many Warm and Heartfelt Holidays in This Season of Global Celebration of Light, Hope, Family and Oneness. 

Hello!  I would like to humbly thank you for following my blog.  I am honored to find that you are finding inspiration and beauty in my poetry and inspirational writing.  Your subscription to this blog inspires me to move more in this direction in my life and is an affirmation of many of my intentions.

Here is to a greater sense of Oneness amongst all of Humanity and an increase in global Peace, Abundance and Well-Being.  May we all move toward a more mindful and greater expression of our Higher Selves and expand into our dreams with Joy and excitement in the continuing cycle of seasons before us.

Again thank you for following and sharing my work and message.   May our relationship serve to mutually increase our success, fulfillment and sense of meaning and sacred purpose toward our life goals!

David A. Martin

i no longer wish
when i see a shooting star,
i just say thank you