Tag Archives: spirituality

New Poem of the Week; an American haiku

The new Poem of the Week is an “american” haiku. American haiku usually follows (but sometimes strays from) the 5-7-5 syllabic line break “rules”, but often has no seasonal reference word (kigo) and is, more likely than not, missing a kireji which is a “cutting word” or “turning word” which gives traditional haiku that double-exposure quality.  Although the poem below does fall into this genre, I believe that it does, in fact, embody a metaphorical “fourth line” generating quality.

The dog, half-asleep,

. . . [More]


This poem is from my recently begun, new notebook, having submitted worthy and well-worked poetry from the other filled and falling apart notebooks in manuscript form. If you like this poem check out my other Selected New Poems on my blog or consider the eBook or paperback purchase of my book, span (Rhizome Publishing 2011, 2012) which is a collection of Human Ecology poems from 2000-2010.

Human ecology is the subdiscipline of ecology that focuses on the human niche. Broadly speaking, it is a study of the relationship between humans and their natural, social, and built environments: anthropogenic biomes called anthromes within which are habitats connected by road networks to create what has been called technoecosystems.  Human Ecology has a wide territory and manifesting in geography, sociology, psychology, anthropology, zoology, and natural ecology. It is my hope that my poetics can be seen to have contributed to this spectrum by adding literature, biography and ontology to this list.

Upcoming readings and book signings

Dear subscribers and fans!

Due to the rampant Feedburner malfunction running through the web, I lost over a twelve hundred subscribers overnight. Please re-subscribe to my blog if you are no longer subscribed and share what you love of my work with others.  I am hoping to regrow / regain my network of subscribers quickly.

I also have a few readings and book signings scheduled in support of my book, Span having been published in paperback. My reading in Ward, CO had to be rescheduled but I am greatly looking forward to it sometime in November.  If you know poetry lovers in the Denver / Boulder region, please pass this link along to them.

David Martin

New Poem of the Week is a thunderhead Haiku

New Poem of the Week is a thunderhead haiku titled Amethyst Pulses  celebrating the beauty of the moment many of us see during the spring monsoons and storms.

Click on the title of the poem to read it


This haiku about the approaching thunderstorms over the deep blue mountains as I returned home at night and  is from my notebook The Nameless Way Woven With Crooked Genius many of which I hope to include in my next book, Deepening the Map.


If you like this poem, please let me know, share it with others and check out more samples of new poetry.  Span, my most recent collection of poetry in the Human Ecology vein is published by Rhizome Publishing.  It is currently available from Rhizome, Amazon or Barnes & Noble as an eBook for download to read on your computer, phone, eReader or other device.  It will be available in print sometime this month.

Subscribe to my blog for updates on it’s publication, subsequent publications, articles and links to my other work and works . . . there is also a Span Facebook page and you can follow me on Twitter as well.

New Poem: The Heron

In honor of the passing of Pete Nelson I have chosen my poem The Heron as the Poem of the Week.  There are people and moments in our lives whose beauty is beyond us at times and since the unique character of each moment is fleeting and each form, each body is not meant to last forever at times we find the moment or person has passed . . . and it almost seems . . . well . . . I’ll let the poem do it’s work . . .

The Heron

A brief, startling moment of captivity, the body
moving faster than the grace of the wings

following the low narrow flow of the creek
. . . (more)


Read the whole poem, and a few new ones at my blog.

Span, my most recent collection of poetry in the Human Ecology vein is published by Rhizome Publishing.  It is currently available from Rhizome, Amazon or Barnes & Noble as an eBook for download to read on your computer, phone, eReader or other device.  It will be available in print sometime this month.

Subscribe to my blog for updates on it’s publication, subsequent publications, articles and links to my other work and works . . . there is also a Span Facebook page and you can follow me on Twitter as well.

Poems of the Week: “all i know of heaven” and “fox”

all i know of heaven

leafless winter morning
vines on cemetery wall
are covered in frost

there are no stars to be found
when one’s eyes are fixed
on the ground

and so putting our lips
level with that starry pool
we both drink our fill

each day,
the dog finds a sunny spot
in which to lay

the things we cherish
are all i know of heaven



fox, silent, wise-whispered
and shadow-sleek
whispers in the wet night
to the warm silk, out of reach
just within your window sill