Tag Archives: ice

Poem of the Week: Moments

These sunny days after the recent snows have been so cold, but from inside looking out the window each morning I see the sunlight move down Middle Creek Canyons walls and south-facing Mountain Shrubland slopes and slip silently into the Ponderosa Pine ecosystem gracing and touching everything with its yellow, golden light, illuminating the richness of the ruddy pine bark and the lichen but especially making the snow laden landscape glow with brilliance.


sun presses honey slips
silently touching pines
parting snowy scrim
flake capped bundles
silent milk wide swaths
… [More]

~David Anthony Martin, copyright 2013


This poem is part of my current notebook. I have a manuscript, Deepening the Map being considered for publication, another manuscript, Owl Light nearly ready to submit and well on my way with this next notebook toward another manuscript in the works.

If you like this poem, consider reading a few of my new poems on my blog and checking out my book Span (Rhizome Publishing 2011, 2012) which will soon be out of print, but currently can still be purchased as an eBook and read on most devices or as a beautiful paperback to be held in your hands and taken with you on your day.  The cover art by Mathias Valdez of Last Leaf Printing takes the book as object” concept to a lovely level.  Span also makes a great, inexpensive gift for the book or nature lover on your list.

If you are unable to find a distributor with available copies, I do have a few copies left at home, contact me to purchase them via my blogsite and PayPal.

To buy Span now with Paypal, Click on image below.

Span | A Collection of Poems by David A. Martin
Paperback, 144 pages.
$9.95 + tax and shipping.

New Poem fresh from the mountain . . .


in search of snow

sunday, and choosing not to kneel down in the fabrications of man,
much preferring my sun-star seen through fir forests, and to walk grinning
on the surface of the lake’s icy reflection and listen to it muse to itself,
to pass through mountain meadows wheeling with a murder of crows, where

the winter solstice-bound sun was waving in the knee-high seed-heads,
beaver ponds frozen and pondered, mysteries of ice formations and rainbows
in the clouds,  . . . [More]

Read the entire poem on my blog

Photo: Copyright Amy Martin 2012


If you like this poem, consider reading a few of my new poems on my blog and checking out my book Span (Rhizome Publishing 2011, 2012) which can be purchased as an eBook and read on most devices or as a beautiful paperback to be held in your hands and taken with you on your day.  The cover art by Mathias Valdez of Last Leaf Printing takes the book as object” concept to a lovely level.  Span also makes a great, inexpensive gift for the book or nature lover on your list.

To buy Span now with Paypal, Click on image below.

Span | A Collection of Poems by David A. Martin
Paperback, 144 pages.
$9.95 + tax and shipping.

New Poem of the Week: Cottonwood Midlife

cottonwood midlife

cottonwoods, coming to leafless terms
with the lessoning light of the season

can now, so softly and safely reveal
the secreted nurseries of bird nests



If you like this poem, consider reading a few of my new poems on my blog and checking out my book Span (Rhizome Publishing 2011, 2012) which can be purchased as an eBook and read on most devices or as a beautiful paperback to be held in your hands and taken with you on your day.  The cover art by Mathias Valdez of Last Leaf Printing takes the book as object” concept to a lovely level.  Span also makes a great, inexpensive gift for the book or nature lover on your list.

To buy Span now with Paypal, Click on image below.

Span | A Collection of Poems by David A. Martin
Paperback, 144 pages.
$9.95 + tax and shipping.

A new early winter poem of the week

This morning’s meditation at the creek produced a nice little poem which speaks to the outer world as a mirror of the inner world and how there are times which we notice the difference between the way of the mind and The Way.

Stillness helps.









cold mornings

the creek is telling white tales
it heard in the dark,

ice at the lips of its banks

. . . [More]


This poem is from my recently begun, new notebook, having submitted worthy and well-worked poetry from the other filled and falling apart notebooks in manuscript form.

If you like this poem check out my other Selected New Poems on my blog or consider the eBook or paperback purchase of my book, span (Rhizome Publishing 2011, 2012) which is a collection of Human Ecology* poems from 2000-2010.

*Human ecology is the subdiscipline of ecology that focuses on the human niche. Broadly speaking, it is a study of the relationship between humans and their natural, social, and built environments

Human Ecology has a wide territory and manifesting in geography, sociology, psychology, anthropology, zoology, and natural ecology. It is my hope that my poetics can be seen to have contributed to this spectrum by adding literature, biography and ontology to this list.