Tag Archives: predator prey relationships

Poem of the Week contemplates a deer skull

alas, poor deer

pale, curved beauty of the moon here, half buried until now, 
pitted and lined and neglected like old china plate, unearthed

living green algal creep in the clutches of cranial sutures

the meek inherit the porous structures 
vaticania stained by the catholic creep of microbes 

clutching deep like a river, branches and swells
penetrating and taking its timely place, 
filling in the blanks between the banks 
of ossified oxbows and switchbacks

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If you like this poem, consider reading a few of my new poems on my blog and checking out my book Span (Rhizome Publishing 2011, 2012) which can be purchased as an eBook and read on most devices or as a beautiful paperback to be held in your hands and taken with you on your day.  The cover art by Mathias Valdez of Last Leaf Printing takes the book as object” concept to a lovely level.  Span also makes a great, inexpensive gift for the book or nature lover on your list.

To buy Span now with Paypal, Click on image below.

Span | A Collection of Poems by David A. Martin
Paperback, 144 pages.
$9.95 + tax and shipping.