About David Anthony Martin

Deepening the Map  |  by David A. Martin

Cover Photo: "the origami bird is ever in flight" by David A. Martin, 2014

Cover Photo: “the origami bird is ever in flight” by David A. Martin, 2014

A poet and an outdoorsman;
a writer, educator and guide
who has lived a life immersed in the beauty of nature
wherein he has found a sense of place,
a sense of spirituality (or connection to meaning)
and an expansive sense of the Self. 

Deepening the Map

In his second collection of poetry, David Anthony Martin uses the mirror of nature and the lens of experience to reveal the depths of the experience of life. Attention to the present moments and spaces shared with others allow many of these poems to function as mini-meditations. The content is informed by a lifetime of writing and practiced contemplation.

As in his previous collection, Span, Martin’s attention to details of his inner and outer world gives us poetry that can be ascribed to be within the scope and genre of Human Ecology. As an astute interpreter of both his interior territory and the outer environment, he guides our attention to the depths of the map of the Human experience of the world. In some of these poems, the inner world and outer worlds become interchangeable mirrors reflecting each other, in others they each become lenses through which to deeper examine the other.

To buy Deepening the Map eBook, it is currently available through Amazon KDP here:

Cover Photo: "the origami bird is ever in flight" by David A. Martin, 2014

Cover Photo: “the origami bird is ever in flight” by David A. Martin, 2014

deepening the map | by David A. Martin
Digital eBook
David Anthony Martin is a native of the Salish Sea and grew up in the temperate forests and raincoast of the Puget Sound area of the Olympic Peninsula.   He is a published author, poet, blogger and artist. He served as a Ranger / Environmental Educator with the Mountain Park Environmental Center where he taught the award winning Earth Studies program.  Although environmental literacy holds a special place in his life,  he has a deep love and respect for literacy in general.  This has led him to serve the children and parents of his community as a Clerk in the Youth Services section at the nationally noted Rawlings branch of the Pueblo City County Library. 

David is a writer who has been informally inspiring, coaching and ministering to his local and global community for years. Through his mindfulness practice, work with teachers and a journey through a broad spectrum of life challenges and experiences he has received deep insights into the nature of perception and energy, which not only inform his poetry and writings, but which also allow him to guide others through the challenges of personal inner work on their path towards empowerment.  In 2012 he formalized this service through his calling as a certified Maven Method TM life-coach and started Empowered Path life coaching and programs.

Although he has traveled quite a bit in the United States and abroad, he has made Colorado his home since 1995. He currently resides in the beautiful Ponderosa Pine forests of the Wet Mountain foothills of Beulah, Colorado where he manages The PINES of Beulah guest cabins.

His first book of poetry, Span (Rhizome Publishing, 2011, 2012) was published as an eBook in 2011 and recently published in paperback in 2012. His publishing credits include poems published in the books Peaceful Poetry to Love Your Societal Consciousness (Ann McCall 2001) and Baby Blessings (Harmony Books, 2002) as well as in Poetry Motel, Junction, Mountain Alchemy and articles in the Pueblo P.U.L.P. and the Mountain Park News.

For more detailed information, click HERE.

7 responses to “About David Anthony Martin

  • Esme Viviers


  • Renee

    Saw your poem “One Billion Heartbeats” on the NPR story re: lifespan. Lovely poem, thank you….

  • Esther Friedmann

    I agree with Renee and trust that the pleasure of reading your poem relieved any existing stress thus slowing my pulse and extending its steady beating.

    • davidanthonymartin

      Esther, thank you so much for enjoying this poem and for taking the time to give me this encouraging feedback. I am glad to have relieved your stress and relaxed your heart in this moment. Be well and take care of that steady beating heart. The feedback I am getting from kind and thoughtful people like you are making my heart smile between beats. Thank you.

  • Michelle Fried

    Loved your poem in the comments section of NPR today (Nature Has a Way of telling us When it’s Time to Die)… I actually had clipped that same section on the heartbeat and was mulling that over when I came across your thoughts…so perfect and unexpected among all the rants and ravings. Made me love it all the more. Right now I should be working on my short story, so I will get back to it, but I just wanted to let you know what a gift you were this morning.

    • davidanthonymartin

      Michelle, thank you so much for enjoying this poem (written last year actually) and for taking the time to give me this encouraging feedback. You have made my day as well! I currently have a manuscript Deepening the Map with this poem in it being considered for publication and another manuscript nearly ready to submit. Writing is my love, and although many of my projects take a lot of time to develop, poetry comes to visit quite often in my musings of my daily world. Again, thank you for your feedback.

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